Decoding Ecomedia: Unearthing Attention-Getting Hooks

This lesson plan focuses on developing students’ critical thinking skills to identify and analyze attention-getting hooks used in ecomedia.
Green or Greenwashed? Cultivating Ecomedia Literacy Skills

This lesson introduces students to the concept of greenwashing and develops their ecomedia literacy skills. Students will learn to identify various greenwashing techniques used by companies and critically evaluate environmental claims in marketing and advertising.
Ecosystem Awareness: Local Environments and Media

This learning activity aims to enhance students’ awareness of their local ecosystems and the influence of media on environmental perceptions by contrasting their familiarity with brand logos against their knowledge of local flora, ultimately cultivating a more integrated understanding of the relationship between media literacy and ecoliteracy.
Incorporate Ecomedia Literacy into Your Classroom with These 30-minute Activities

These 1/2 hour ecomedia literacy activities offer a diverse range of exercises that encourage students to critically engage with environmental media messages, fostering interdisciplinary connections with liberal arts and sciences disciplines. From analyzing environmental claims and ethical dilemmas to delving into the impact of visual rhetoric, these activities empower students to navigate the complex landscape of ecomedia, enhancing their media literacy, environmental awareness, and ethical reasoning skills.
Ecomedia Literacy: Principles and Practices

This short article offers practical insights and strategies for incorporating ecomedia literacy into media education, addressing the urgent need to foster environmental consciousness and media engagement in today’s interconnected world. By presenting a diverse array of educational activities and methods, it equips educators and learners with tools to navigate and critically evaluate the complex relationships between media, ecology, and society.
Themes and Activities for Enhancing Ecomedia Literacy

This article underscores the vital need to integrate ecomedia literacy into media education, addressing the interconnected challenges posed by media and technology on society and the planet. It provides a wealth of practical strategies and examples for educators, offering an invaluable resource to build awareness and empower students to critically engage with ecomedia, environmental issues, and ethical considerations across various media platforms and genres.
Nature Images: Constructing “nature” in Visual Culture and Ads

This activity involves students in a two-part exploration of “nature” imagery. Initially, they analyze and discuss their associations with nature images, followed by an examination of how these same concepts are employed in advertisements.
Consumerism and Sustainability

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson asking students to consider their own consumer decisions relating to sustainability through a process of decoding TV commercials and videos about bottled water.
What About Bottled Water?

Media literacy and critical thinking lesson analyzing videos and TV commercials to discern messages about decisions to purchase or not purchase bottled water.
Corporate Greenwashing? Exxon and Greenpeace

This is a media literacy and critical thinking activity in which students decode an ExxonMobil commercial and an environmental advocacy video for conflicting messages about corporate advertising credibility and about human impact on the environment.