
Starting Point General sources for information and statistics for environment, materials, technology, and society

Environment, Science, Climate Research, and Climate SolutionsIntroductory resources to help understand basic climate and environment issues and potential solutions

Climate Crisis and Media Resources on environmental coverage in the media and organizations working to change discourses around the climate crisis

ICT and Environment Research Resources and research on the different impacts of information and communications, gadget production, consumptions, and e-waste

Greening Media Industries Resources on the environmental impacts of specific media industries

Business Research Resources for researching media industries, markets, and public opinion

Starting Point

Places to look first for information and statistics for environment, materials, technology, and society

Our World in Data From the University of Oxford, this is a comprehensive open access collection of research and data on major global challenges, including climate and environment.

Statista One of the most comprehensive portals of data on markets and business, including insightful and interpretive infographics. Basic services are free, some functions may require a subscription. Please check your library.

The World Counts Offers real-time data on the state of the planet, everything from climate change and toxic waste to child labor and slavery.

WolfranAlpha A comprehensive source of information for research on materials, minerals, technology, climate science using dynamic computations based on a vast collection of built-in data, algorithms and methods. Use the resources and tools function to for creative ways to do research.

Worldmapper Offers a collection of world maps called cartograms, where territories are resized on each map according to the subject of interest. Featuring an assortment of climate environmental impact maps, the range of maps is continuously extended and updated.

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Environment, Science, Climate Research, and Climate Solutions

Introductory resources to help understand basic climate and environment issues and potential solutions

Ecological Footprint Research

Footprint calculators and resources for facts about our ecological footprint

Cambridge Carbon Footprint A portal to aid individuals in decreasing their personal carbon footprint through service opportunities and lifestyle changes. It includes a calculator that helps you to find out how much carbon your habits produce.

Carbon Fingerprint This tool calculate the time you spend on a screen and its carbon impact over your life.

Carbontracker A tool for tracking and predicting the energy consumption and carbon footprint of training deep learning models.

CoolClimate Network A project of UC Berkeley, this is recommended for residents of the United States.

Conservation International A carbon footprint calculator based on housing, transportation, and travel that gives individualized tips on reducing emissions.

Earth Overshoot Day This site articulates the impact of Earth Overshoot Day by both country and year while also showcasing solutions that employ existing technologies.

Ecological Footprint Network An emissions calculator that estimates ones personal Overshoot Day, Earth consumption rate, ecological footprint, and carbon footprint.

Ecological Footprint Quizlet A Quizlet containing phrases and definitions pertaining to ecological concepts.

electricityMap An open-source visualization that shows live climate impacts of global electricity use.

ICAO Carbon Emissions Calculator This tool allows passengers to estimate the emissions attributed to their air travel. It is simple to use and requires only a limited amount of information from the user.

Reduce your ecological footprint An independent journalism site that features technologically sustainable companies, stories, and projects.

Urban and Ecological Footprint A list of resources on urban ecological footprints, including reports, organizations, calculators, and tools.

WWF Ecological Footprint This website provides basic information on ecological footprints and includes the Living Planet Report 2016.

Video Content About Ecological Footprint

Video explainers about our ecological footprint

Ecological Footprint Explained This very short video explains ecological footprint with simple animations.

Ecological Footprint: Do We Fit on Our Planet? This 6 minute video explains ecological footprint using illustrations and graphs.

Global Footprint Network YouTube Channel This YouTube channel features videos from environmental professionals, scholars, and leaders around the world about our global footprint.

Climate Change and Environmental Science

Reports and resources on climate and environmental science

Carbon Brief A UK-based website covering the latest developments in climate science, climate policy and energy policy, specializing in clear, data-driven articles and graphics to help improve the understanding of climate change, both in terms of the science and the policy response.

Carbon Visual Illustrations, graphics, and videos about carbon emissions.

Center fo Climate Integrety helps communities hold oil and gas corporations accountable for the massive costs of climate change, including a “li-brary” collection of internal company documents compiled by journalists, independent researchers, and academics showing that Big Oil & Gas knew as early as the 1960s that their products would lead to climate change, and that it could have disastrous impacts worldwide.

Climate Action Tracker An independent scientific analysis that tracks government climate action and measures it against the globally agreed Paris Agreement aim of “holding warming well below 2°C, and pursuing efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C.”

Climate Investigations Center Established in 2014 to monitor the individuals, corporations, trade associations, political organizations and front groups who work to delay the implementation of sound energy and environmental policies that are necessary in the face of ongoing climate crisis.

Climate Signals Uses a graphic interface that demonstrates climate change in real time. It is a nonprofit, nonpartisan project of Climate Nexus that curates climate change attribution science and provides resources in real time explaining how climate change worsens extreme events.

Climate Scorecard Climate Scorecard identifies and advocates for actions that can lower emissions in leading greenhouse gas emitting countries and support the Paris Agreement.

CoolClimate Network Provides decision-making tools and programs to accelerate the transition to a clean energy economy by developing cutting-edge carbon footprint benchmarking research and combine this with ongoing lessons from behavioral sciences to design tailored climate solutions to different users and populations.

En-ROADS Climate Simulator A freely-available online simulator that provides policymakers, educators, businesses, the media, and the public with the ability to test and explore cross-sector climate solutions. A great tool for roleplaying.

Ensia A climate solutions-focused media outlet run by the University of Minnesota’s Institute on the Environment.

GRID-Arendal A non-profit environmental communications centre that transforms environmental data into innovative, science-based information products and provides capacity-building services. They have a rich catalog of graphics, photos, data, and video that can be freely used with attribution.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) The United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate change. IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report.

Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is an independent intergovernmental body established by States to strengthen the science-policy interface for biodiversity and ecosystem services for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, long-term human well-being and sustainable development.

Oxfam Carbon Inequality Report This briefing describes new research that shows how extreme carbon inequality in recent decades has brought the world to the climate brink. It sets out how governments must use this historic juncture to build fairer economies within the limits our planet can bear.

Scientist Rebellion A site of climate science compiled by scientists and academics who are demanding climate action. Offers clear and straightforward explanations of climate science.

World Meteorological Organization An intergovernmental organization with a membership of 193 Member States and Territories.

Citizen Science A portal through which users can find opportunities to engage in science citizenship.

What is Citizen Science This short article from the Nation Parks service defines “Citizen Science” and its importance.

Climate Solutions and Environmental Activism

Activist websites with information and resources about how to address the climate crisis

Art Not Oil The organization has been mobilizing against Big Oil cultural sponsorship since 2004. It represent a cross-section of people – artists, cultural event and gallery-goers, environmentalists, human rights activists and others – who believe that oil company logos represent a stain on cultural institutions.

Climate Emergency Declaration Their goal is for governments to declare a climate emergency and mobilize society-wide resources at sufficient scale and speed to protect civilization, the economy, people, species, and ecosystems.

Climate Emergency Fund The organization was created to fund the new wave of climate activism that was sprouting in 2019, activism with a new level of urgency and a vision of rapid transformation such as that embodied by youth strikers. They are the core funders of the Climate Emergency Declaration campaigns that have now gone viral. More than 2,000 local governments and 10 countries have declared a climate emergency.

Climate Herlad tracks local government meetings, press releases, and publications in order to provide a resource to learn more about actions in communities taking on climate change and to identify opportunities for civic engagement around action on climate change.

Climate Museum The first museum in the U.S. dedicated to climate change. Its programming includes a climate arts exhibition, a fossil fuel media literacy workshop webpage, a discussion series on climate and inequality, youth arts programs, and an Action Center with opportunities for civic action on climate for all ages.

Climate Reality Project Founded by Al Gore, the Climate Reality Project is an organization with the mission of catalyzing a global solution to the climate crisis. This website has information about the organization, their initiatives, videos, and news.

Friends of the Earth Works to organize and build long-term political power and campaigns to change the rules of our economic and political systems that create injustice and destroy nature.

Global Witness Challenging abuses of power to protect human rights and secure the future of our planet through investigations and advocacy to achieve climate justice and safeguard civic freedoms. A good source for information on conflict minerals.

#KeepItInTheGround A campaign to stop and prevent future fossil fuel development projects.

Not Too Late This site aims to engage newcomers and support fatigued climate advocates by highlighting the science, justice-centered solutions, and the growing strength of the climate movement. The project believes that these factors can alleviate despair and demonstrate the value of the work required by the climate crisis.

Nexus A project of Regeneration, Nexus details what needs to be done and how to do it on all levels of agency, from a classroom to a CEO. Entries include resources, initiatives, people, and organizations that teach, engage, influence and transform.

Project Drawdown Their mission is to help the world reach “Drawdown”— the point in the future when levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere stop climbing and start to steadily decline, thereby stopping catastrophic climate change — as quickly, safely, and equitably as possible.

Real Solutions Not ‘Net Zero’ A demand to put forward real plans to bring emissions and fossil fuel production down to Real Zero based on real transformation, backed by real resources, and implemented with the real urgency demanded by the current crises.

Scientist Rebellion Scientists and academics provide a clearinghouse of climate science and hub for climate action.

Stop Funding Heat A group concerned at the way newspapers, news sites and online platforms readily spread climate lies in the pursuit of sales, clicks or vested interests. Advertisers are a major part of this business model, funding the denial and misinformation being printed and posted every day.

Union of Concerned Scientists Uses rigorous, independent science to solve our planet’s most pressing problems. They combine technical analysis and effective advocacy to create innovative, practical solutions for a healthy, safe, and sustainable future.

Bioregions and Re-Wilding

Resources about bioregional and re-wilding

A Global Deal for Nature Global Deal for Nature is an initiative and petition which advocates for the protection of half the Earth’s land and oceans.

Global Safety Net Global Safety Net is an interactive web application that details terrestrial areas essential for biodiversity and climate resilience. With this research, their initiative is to protect and restore these areas, which total 50% of Earth.

Half-Earth Project Informational homepage of the Half-Earth Project, an organization working to designate half of Earth’s land and sea to safeguard biodiversity.

Nature Needs Half Homepage of “Nature Needs Half,” an international coalition with the goal of protecting 50% of the planet by 2030.

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Climate Crisis and Media

Resources on environmental coverage in the media and organizations working to change discourses around the climate crisis

Climate Ad Project creates and places ads that raise awareness about our climate emergency. Here’s their resource on to speak up about our climate emergency.

Climate Feedback A worldwide network of scientists sorting fact from fiction in climate change media coverage. Their goal is to help readers know which news to trust.

Climate Media Coalition A UK-based organization that offers a framework for developing and supporting media to promote a carbon negative response to the climate crisis. A great source for ideas and approaches that media organizations and journalists can take to respond to the climate emergency.

Climate Visuals Online image library related to climate change.

Eco Watch Image analysis from Reading The Pictures.

Environment Image analysis from Reading The Pictures.

Media and Climate Change Observatory (MeCCO) Monitor 127 sources (across newspapers, radio and TV) in 59 countries in seven different regions around the world.

Scientific Trust Tracker From Science Feedback, a not-for-profit organization verifying the credibility of influential claims and media coverage that claims to be scientific, starting with the topics of climate and health.

Climate Disinformation and Greenwashing

America Misled How the fossil fuel industry deliberately misled Americans about climate change.

Environmental Claims: Summary of the Green Guides This summary of the Guides introduces how truth-in-advertising principles apply to green marketing and highlights terms often used in environmental ads.

Federal Trade Commission The Federal Trade Commission (‘‘FTC’’ or ‘‘Commission’’) adopts revised Guides for the Use of Environmental Marketing Claims (‘‘Green Guides’’ or ‘‘Guides’’). This document summarizes the Commission’s revisions to the Guides and includes the final Guides.

Greenwashing by Global Witness This website exposes and challenges the deceptive practices of major polluters, advocating for regulatory changes to hold them accountable and promote genuine climate action.

Climate Conversations and Climate Communication

Resources on how to talk about, advocate, and communicate the climate crisis

Carbon Conversations, UK This webpage, created by psychotherapist Rosemary Randall and engineer Andy Brown is a psycho-social project that addresses the practicalities of carbon reduction while taking account of the complex emotions and social pressures that make this difficult.

EcoAmerica An institution focused on communicating climate change solutions in five sectors: faith, health, communities, higher education, and business. They offer leadership awards and programs aimed to spread awareness.

Climate Change Communication Research Hub The Monash Climate Change Communication Research Hub conducts social research and leads impact focused projects to build media and policy infrastructure that adequately addresses climate change in Australia. A non-profit science and outreach project dedicated to furthering the scientific understanding of Earth systems and global environmental change. Their 4D project is specifically designed for addressing climate disinformation.

Citizen Climate Lobby A nonprofit, nonpartisan, grassroots advocacy climate change organization focused on national policies to address the climate movement.

Climate Outreach A British Charity that helps people understand the complex issue of climate change in ways that resonate with individuals’ sense of identity, values and worldview.

Debunking Handbook 2020 How to debunk climate denial (from George Mason University).

End Climate Silence An organization dedicated to helping the media cover the climate crisis with the urgency it deserves. Mobilizing through digital activism, we focus on all media platforms—from television networks to print outlets to online content providers to radio programs.

Essential Partners Founded in 1989, EP equips people to live and work better together in community by building trust and understanding across differences. EP’s trademark methodology empowers people to have healthier, more complex, more inclusive conversations about polarizing differences of values, beliefs, and identities—whether that polarizing issue is the role of race in a public school curriculum, COVID vaccination policies, or refugee resettlement plans.

George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication Their mission is to develop and apply social science insights to help society make informed decisions that will stabilize the earth’s life-sustaining climate, and prevent further harm from climate change. To achieve this goal, the center engages in three broad activities: conducting unbiased communication research; helping government agencies, civic organizations, professional associations, and companies apply social science research to improve their public engagement initiatives; and training students and professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to improve public engagement with climate change.

Global Weirding with Katharine Hayhoe This educational YouTube channel by climate scientist Katherine Hayhoe contains a collection of videos about climate change education.

Good Energy supports TV and film creators in crafting entertaining stories that authentically depict the present world, acknowledging its state in a climate crisis. Their goal is to simplify the portrayal of the climate crisis on-screen, ensuring it can be integrated into captivating and artistic narratives across various genres.

Living Room Conversations works to heal society by connecting people across divides – politics, age, gender, race, nationality, and more – through guided conversations proven to build understanding and transform communities.

Telling the story: Eight great infographics on climate change From the Climate Reality Project.

Green News and Climate Journalism

Trusted and informed journalism and research about climate issues

Climate Files is an archival database of news, information and documents. The information compiled here is collected from various sources and is based on more more than 20 years of research and data collection.

Covering Climate Now CCNow collaborates with journalists and newsrooms to produce more informed and urgent climate stories, to make climate a part of every beat in the newsroom — from politics and weather to business and culture — and to drive a public conversation that creates an engaged public. They have an excellent guide for journalists, including climate best practices, essential tipsheets, and explainers to support informed and engaging reporting.

DeSmog A source for accurate, fact based information regarding global warming misinformation campaigns and climate change deniers.

Drilled News Climate accountability — investigating the various drivers of delay on climate action — is critical to understanding and addressing climate change. Drilled News is an independent news outlet focused on climate accountability.

Earth Journalism Network enables journalists from developing countries to cover the environment more effectively. To improve the quantity and quality of environmental reporting, they offer workshops and training materials, develop innovate environmental news sites, offer Fellowship programs and small reporting grants, establish and build up networks of environmental journalists and support local news production — including ground-breaking investigative reports.

Earther From Gizmodo, this site is “nature for nerds” with journalism about climate crisis, justice, conservation, and energy.

Grist A nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future. Their goal is to use the power of storytelling to illuminate the way toward a better world.

Heated is an informed newsletter/blog by climate journalist Emily Atkin.

Heatmap A news and culture site dedicated to the climate and energy transition, exploring transformations reshaping our economy, politics, and culture.

Inside Climate News A non-profit news organization, focusing on environmental journalism.

Mongabay is a nonprofit environmental science and conservation news platform that produces original reporting in English, Indonesian, Spanish, French, Hindi, and Brazilian Portuguese by leveraging over 800 correspondents in some 70 countries. They are dedicated to evidence-driven objective journalism.

NewsGuard A website that tracks misinformation and the trustworthiness of news sources. An excellent source for finding trusted news.

NPR Climate Team: What journalists need to know when covering climate change These facts, compiled by NPR’s climate editors, can provide big-picture context for weather events and other topics linked to climate change.

Treehugger The world’s largest information site dedicated to driving sustainability mainstream.

Climate and Environment Podcasts

Podcasts covering climate and environmental issues

Drilled A true-crime podcast about climate change.

Hot Take A holistic and irreverent look at the climate crisis and all the ways we’re talking—and not talking—about it. We take a feminist, race-forward lens to the biggest story of our time. Some people might call it intersectional, we call it honest. Co-hosted by Mary Annaïse Heglar and Amy Westervelt.

For the Wild Focused on land-based protection, co-liberation and intersectional storytelling rooted in a paradigm shift away from human supremacy, endless growth and consumerism.

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ICT and Environment Research

Resources and research on the different impacts of information and communication technology, gadget production, consumptions, and e-waste Information about eco-friendly products.

Ethical Consumer guide to mobile phones A guide to purchasing an ethically produced phone based on factors like conflict minerals and toxic chemicals.

GreenTech: The Top Companies Statista chart on the use of renewable sources by tech companies. Features infographics and charts that document the lifecycle of everyday objects and technology. A work-in-progress project by design undergraduate students at the University of California, Davis Department of Design. Each of these entries is a group project undertaken by students in DES 40A: Energy, Materials and Design Across Time.

Global Witness Challenging abuses of power to protect human rights and secure the future of our planet through investigations and advocacy to achieve climate justice and safeguard civic freedoms. A good source for information on conflict minerals.

How Stuff Works A source of unbiased, reliable, easy-to-understand answers and explanations of how the world actually works.

How Tax Credits and Government Subsidies Have Aided the Electric-Vehicle Market The government has pushed to accelerate EV adoption by consumers and car makers; lawmakers now have new incentives in the works.

iFixit A wiki-based site that teaches people how to fix almost anything.

KnowThis An information and resource website for those involved in marketing, marketing research, advertising, selling, promotion, and other marketing-related areas.

Low Tech Strategies This guide from Iowa State University provides teacher’s with some low-tech options for class content and activities. A mining industry website that provides news and analysis of business trends in the mining business. It is “not a mouthpiece of the industry” but serves “a global audience that represent all stakeholders in mining” that is “read not just by industry professionals, resource investors, equipment suppliers and mineral rights owners, but also by non-profit and environmental groups, local communities and governments in all corners of the world.”

Website Carbon Calculator This web page provides an estimation of a website’s carbon footprint using the URL of the website.

Environmental Impact of ICT and AI

Campaign to Reduce Our Internet Footprint A campaign brought forth by Katie Singers.

Centre for Energy-Efficient Telecommunications An international leader in modeling the energy and energy efficiency of telecommunications equipment, networks and services.

Curiously Green A newsletter and website devoted to digital sustainability.

Fairphone Fairphone is a social enterprise company which aims to develop smartphones that are designed and produced with minimal environmental impact.

Global Impact of Crypto Trading This colorful infographic web site provides information on the global impact of crypto trading.

Good Electronics A network bringing together networks, organizations and individuals concerned about human rights and sustainability issues in the global electronics supply chain.

Greenpeace’s Guide to Greener Electronics An analysis of what 17 of the world’s leading consumer electronics companies are doing to address their environmental impacts.

Greenpeace: ClickClean Campaign Greenpeace campaign aiming to stop major internet companies dependence on dirty energy like coal and to power people’s fast growing digital lives with renewables.

ML CO2 Impact This tool has been developed to assist users in estimating the carbon impact of machine learning. Users can compute their GPU’s carbon emissions, advocate for transparency by incorporating the results into their publications (research papers, blog posts, etc.), and integrate carbon estimations into their Python workflows by installing codecarbon.

Silicon Valley Toxic Coalition a diverse non-profit organization engaged in research, advocacy and grassroots organizing to promote human health and environmental justice in response to the rapid growth of the high-tech industry.

US Conflict Mineral Compliance First-hand information about company compliancy with regards to “conflict minerals” by Source Intelligence.

Story of Electronics A documentary by The Story of Stuff project.

Stuff of SmartPhone Nova documentary project.


Fixit: The Free Repair Manual iFixit is an organization working to create collaborative, free repair manuals and resources for every device to promote their philosophy of self-repair.

Repair Café Repair Cafés are free meeting places for repairing things to form a worldwide movement that strives to preserve repair skills in society and promote more repairable products.

The Repair Association The Repair Association is an organization that advocates for repair-friendly policies, regulations, statutes, and standards at the national, state, and local levels.


Basel Action Network A non-profit organization whose mission is to champion global environmental health and justice by ending toxic trade, catalyzing a toxics-free future.

Electronics Take Back Coalition ETBC promotes green design and responsible recycling in the electronics industry.

Global E-waste Monitor 2020 The Global E-waste Monitor 2020 introduces the public to global e-waste quantities, explains how the challenge currently fits into international efforts to reach
the SDGs, and discusses how to create a circular economy and sustainable societies.

Solving the E-waste Problem Initiative An initiative aiming to creating solutions to global e-waste challenges along the entire electronics life cycle.


Consumers 4 Safe Phones A blog about cellphone radiation safety (and the industry’s mystifications).

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Greening Media Industries

Resources on the environmental impacts of media industries

Global Green Media Network Bridging perspectives from film and media scholarship, environmental studies, social sciences, and political economy, the GLOBAL GREEN MEDIA NETWORK facilitates collaborations between industry, academia, and policymakers for rethinking a sustainable future for screen culture.


Adfree Cities A network of groups across the UK who are concerned about the impacts of corporate advertising on health, wellbeing, environment, climate, communities and the local economy.

Ban Fossil Fuel Ads Organized by a coalition of non-profit organizations and grassroots groups, their aim is to legally prevent the fossil fuel industry, and vehicle, airline and maritime companies who use fossil fuels, from advertising and sponsoring in the EU.

Badvertising is a campaign to stop adverts fuelling the climate emergency. This includes ads for cars, airline flights and fossil fuels. We ended tobacco advertising when we understood the harm done by smoking. Now we know the damage done by fossil fuel products and activities, it’s time to stop promoting them.

Check My Ads An independent watchdog working to defund disinformation. They hold the surveillance adtech industry accountable for abuses against advertisers and consumers, and spearhead the development of a transparent, efficient and privacy-focused digital advertising marketplace.

Clean Creatives is a project by and for professional communicators who want a safe climate future.

Conscious Advertising Network A voluntary coalition of over 70 organisations set up to ensure that industry ethics catches up with the technology of modern advertising.

Introducing: The Fossil Fuel Ad Anthology

Twitter’s Big Oil ad loophole

Ecomedia Climate Campaigns

Climate activism trying to change media practices

Campaign to Reduce Our Internet Footprint

Change the Code Campaign Using the slogan, “Change the code, not the climate,” Greenpeace and Environmental Working Group is campaigning to get Bitcoin to change its code to reduce its climate impacts.

Fossil Free Media is a nonprofit media lab that supports the movement to end fossil fuels and address the climate emergency.

The Greenwashing Files It’s never been more urgent for companies everywhere to be more sustainable. Yet the ‘green’ advertising of those companies most responsible for climate change and environmental damage is misleading the public about their sustainability.

Media and the Environment is a non-profit diverse subsection of entertainment industry influencers, entrepreneurs in business, and green icons dedicated to the mission of promoting environmental progress.

Film & Cinema

albert An authoritative voice on environmental sustainability for film and TV, founded in 2011 and governed by an industry consortium.

Behind Every Film Production Is a Mess of Environmental Wreckage An article on Vice uncovering the many environment-related issues behind the movie industry.

Earth Angel A New York-based company whose main focus is on integrating a standardized method of environmental accountability in the entertainment industry.

Green Film A rating system and certification for a sustainable film production.

Green Film Making A foundation researching and advocating for a more sustainable movie industry.

Green Production Guide An industry online toolkit designed to reduce the film, television, and streaming industry’s carbon footprint and environmental impact.


Green Music Australia An Australian organization focused on facilitating and inspiring musicians and the broader industry to make changes to improve the environmental performance, from energy use to packaging and waste to transport.

Green Vinyl Records A group of 8 Dutch music labels which developed an environmentally friendly alternative production process for vinyl records.


Crypto Climate Accord CCA is a private sector-led initiative for the entire crypto community focused on decarbonizing the cryptocurrency and blockchain.

Greening of Streaming Greening of Streaming was created to address the growing concerns about the energy impact of the Streaming sector. Greening of Streaming brings together some of the biggest players in the industry, along with creative, lesser known companies – to share best practice and make ourselves as efficient as we can be.


Playing for the Planet The Playing for the Planet Alliance is an initiative facilitated by UNEP with the support of GRID-Arendal and Playmob. Members have made commitments ranging from integrating green activations in games, to reducing their emissions and supporting the global environmental agenda.

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Business Research

Resources for researching business, media industries, markets, and public opinion

Evaluating Sustainable Business Practices

EcoVadis A provider of business sustainability ratings, creating a global network of more than 90,000+ rated companies.

Finance, Banking, Etc.

BankFWD A network of individuals and organizations united in the belief that by using collective wealth and public standing can persuade major banks to lead on climate by phasing out financing for fossil fuels.

Climate Safe Lending Network An international multi-stakeholder collaborative dedicated to accelerating the decarbonization of the banking sector to secure a climate-safe world. The network brings together senior leaders and change makers from across banks, NGOs, academics, investors, businesses, and policy experts to share insights and collectively explore how to play their optimum role in accelerating change.

Film Industry & Production Data

Box Office Mojo Box Office Mojo, owned and operated by IMDb, is one of the leading online box-office reporting service.

Making Of Behind the scenes & interviews.

Movie Location Guide Find original location photographs, trivia, links, and travel details.

The Numbers A film industry data website that tracks box office revenue in a systematic, algorithmic way.

Rotten Tomatoes An American review-aggregation website for film and television.

Variety Features news, reviews, box office results, cover stories, videos, photo galleries and features, plus a credits database, production charts and calendar, with archive content dating back to 1905.

Data on Business, Markets, and Public Opinion

InfluenceMap An independent think tank that provides data and analysis on how business and finance are affecting the climate crisis. They place great importance on evidence-based assessment using reliable data and rigorous methodologies, using extensively by powerful actors in finance, business, campaigns, policymaking, and the media to drive meaningful change.

Market Research The web site provides reports by market area, company and country.

ProxyInsite (shareholder data) The world’s leading source of information on global shareholder voting. 

YouGov A global public opinion and data company “exploring what the world thinks.”

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