Teaching the Ecomedia Mind/footprint

Ecomedia mind/ecological footprint

This workshop introduces students to the concepts of the ecomedia mindprint and footprint, enabling them to critically analyze the environmental impacts of media technologies and explore how media shapes perceptions and actions regarding the environment.

Eco-Analysis of Personal Gadget

This learning activity aims to critically examine the environmental impacts of personal electronic devices through ecomedia literacy, fostering awareness of their ecological footprint and encouraging responsible usage and disposal. It highlights the importance of understanding the interconnections between digital technology and environmental sustainability within the broader context of ecomedia literacy.

Ecomedia Literacy: Principles and Practices

This short article offers practical insights and strategies for incorporating ecomedia literacy into media education, addressing the urgent need to foster environmental consciousness and media engagement in today’s interconnected world. By presenting a diverse array of educational activities and methods, it equips educators and learners with tools to navigate and critically evaluate the complex relationships between media, ecology, and society.

Consumerism and Sustainability

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Media literacy and critical thinking lesson asking students to consider their own consumer decisions relating to sustainability through a process of decoding TV commercials and videos about bottled water.

Defining Sustainability

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Media literacy and critical thinking lesson analyzing textual and diagrammatic definitions of sustainability presented by diverse corporate and civil society sources.

Media Constructions of Environment, Sustainability, and Environmental Justice

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Project Look Sharp offers standards-aligned lessons that empower students to decode media depictions related to the environment, sustainability, and environmental justice, covering a wide array of topics from climate change to economics. Its constructivist media decoding approach can be applied across multiple subject areas, including science, social science, history, language arts, and more, providing a versatile pedagogical resource for educators.

Chobani Ad: Dear Alice

This short animated Choboni ad about the future of food production can be useful for exploring different environmental discourses, including pastoral, food, and sustainability. It can be used to generate a discussion about food, agriculture, eco-modernism, and mechanism.