Exploring the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals Through Ecomedia Literacy

This multi-session workshop helps students analyze how media portrays environmental issues in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through discussions, media analysis, and hands-on creation, the workshop builds critical thinking, scientific understanding, and persuasive communication skills for environmental sustainability.

Ecomedia Literacy: Principles and Practices

This short article offers practical insights and strategies for incorporating ecomedia literacy into media education, addressing the urgent need to foster environmental consciousness and media engagement in today’s interconnected world. By presenting a diverse array of educational activities and methods, it equips educators and learners with tools to navigate and critically evaluate the complex relationships between media, ecology, and society.

Bringing Ecomedia Literacy into the Classroom

This article underscores the vital need to integrate ecomedia literacy into media education, addressing the interconnected challenges posed by media and technology on society and the planet. It provides a wealth of practical strategies and examples for educators, offering an invaluable resource to build awareness and empower students to critically engage with ecomedia, environmental issues, and ethical considerations across various media platforms and genres.