Ecomedia Literacy: Principles and Practices
This short article offers practical insights and strategies for incorporating ecomedia literacy into media education, addressing the urgent need to foster environmental consciousness and media engagement in today’s interconnected world. By presenting a diverse array of educational activities and methods, it equips educators and learners with tools to navigate and critically evaluate the complex relationships between media, ecology, and society.
Mucktracker’s Climate Change & Media Literacy Lessons
Mucktracker serves as a valuable tool for teaching students the profound impact of language on our perceptions of the world, with a specific focus on climate change reporting. Through its lessons and resources, Mucktracker empowers educators to foster classroom discussions from an ecomedia literacy perspective, enabling students to critically assess media coverage, identify patterns, and discern the implications for our contemporary world.
Climate Denial Inquiry Model
The Climate Denial Inquiry Model (CDIM) is featured in the book, How to Confront Climate Denial: Literacy, Social Studies, and Climate Change, by James S. Damico and Mark C. Baildon. This webpage offers a step-by-step guide to analyzing climate disinformation and denial in the media.
Discourse or Disinformation?
Media literacy and critical thinking lesson analyzing conflicting presentations of scientific information about global warming in various drafts of government reports, video and opinion articles.