Indigenous Cosmology: The Honorable Harvest
This short video is part of a series called “Seeding the Field: 30 Years of Transformative Solutions,” which celebrates some of the best moments of the Bioneers conference through the last 30 years. “Indigenous peoples worldwide honor plants, not only as our sustainers, but as our oldest teachers who share teachings of generosity, creativity, sustainability and joy. By their living examples, plants spur our imaginations of how we might live. By braiding indigenous Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) with modern tools of botanical science, Robin Kimmerer, professor of Environmental Science and Forestry, of Potawatomi ancestry.”
Indigenous-led Permaculture Brings Resilience And Food Sovereignty to Pine Ridge Reservation
This short 2020 documentary show how the Oglala Lakota are promoting food sovereignty through permaculture. This video is good to show the positive use of media to promote ecological values and also to demonstrate a transformative, ecocentric environmental ideology.